Gemstone litter
On September 9, 2021, Kybele became a mother for the first time. She has been able to practice a lot with her mother's previous litter (Phrygian cities) where she was involved since their birth. Now she can finally experience motherhood herself and that is going very well for her!
We introduce her babies to you below.
The photo series is constantly updated so that you can follow their development. The kittens can be reserved from 7 weeks (kittens under evaluation may take a few weeks longer). Visits are possible by the time the kittens are 5 weeks old.
The kittens are named after Gemstones.
Pedigree kittens:
Inbreeding: 6.53%
Clones: 21.5%
Top 5: 54.2%
Top 3: 41.1%
Top 2: 28.4%
Sedona steen of Macadamia
Name: Seda
Gender: Female
Colour: MCO n 09 / Black with white
Status: Died at day 5

Maansteen of Macadamia
Name: Maan
Gender: Female
Colour: MCO ns 09 / Black smoke with white
Status: Spoken for

Bergkristal of Macadamia
Name: Kris
Gender: Male
Colour: MCO ns 09 / Black smoke with white
Status: died at November 27 from heart defect (VSD)

Rhodoniet of Macadamia
Name: Rhodon
Gender: Male
Colour: MCO ns 09 / Black smoke with white
Status: Spoken for

Robijn of Macadamia
Name: Rubi
Gender: Female
Color: MCO n 09 22 / Black tabby with white
Status: Spoken for

Explanation status
Available: you can put an option on me or make reservations when you are certain.
In option: someone is interested and has some time to think about reserving me. You can still show your interest as I can become available again soon.
Reserved: I have found my new staff and I can move to my new home when I am old enough
In evaluation: I might got to stay with my mom or at another cattery. You can still show your interest as I can become available again soon.
Stays in the cattery: I got to stay with mom!
Voor more information and updates about this litter, you can check our Facebookpage.